Whenever your want to get something, always you cannot get it. However, whenever those stuff you didn't request or wish for, it will just come to you and be yours.
Although i did not get those stuff which i did not wish for, but i meet many problems which is those things that i wish for, it just flew away and as if waving hands to me saying bye bye. Since so many high and low in my life, i realised peoples saying of "is yours means is yours" is a really correct saying. God have HIS own will for everyone, and HE will work in his ways. Therefore not everything will came as what you wish for.
Actually, in our lifes, there are many highs and lows. Howevere, we should positively take it on. No matter what is the result, once you have done your best, is alright. Leave the rest to the LORD, just as the song title of "God will make the way".
God wil make the way
where there seems to be no way
in many ways we cannot see
he will make the way for me.
Hehe, sorry yea, i cannot remember all the lyrics. As my memory is the worst, i always cannot remember stuffs. However, i should take it as a gift as a great preacher, Steven Tong says: "Those people with bad memories is a gift as they forget all bad things other people do to him." We as a human being in this world, we should expect many kinds of things happen. Although we cannot avoid it, but we stil can make our life happy. No matter what is happening, we should take it as a test from the nature of life and try to learn from experience. Thats the way of life.
Actually there is nothing that we should be sad of but we should get up as soon as possible in a fall of life.
I have something to tell those who are in heart pain cause by problems,
Everyone deserve to be sad, but do not take it as the end of the day. Life is a long way for us and we have to go on. Why don't we live our life happily rather than sorrow?? I know is hard and i have experience it. Actually sometimes let the right thing goes at the right time, it wil make everyone in it relief and will also make yourself free and happy. So choose to be a happy person rather than a person which is in pain.
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